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Upcoming Events
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Events: Upcoming Events
“60-Second Garden Video Challenge”
by Sunday, August 15th
The Chicago Excellence in Gardening Awards are holding a “60-Second Garden Video Challenge.”
Thank you for you contributions, now its time to VOTE.
Share this link: ( with friends and family. It is a popularity contest, let's get VOTES!
Log in to your Google or YouTube account and give the video a thumbs up. Voting closes on August 15th
Weeding Wednesdays
Summer Wednesdays around 7pm
Have you noticed how pleasant the garden is around sunset?
Come down to spend time with other gardeners,
do a little tinkering in your garden, and enjoy the ambiance.
Last Day of Summer
Tuesday, September 21
The last day of summer brings us closer to chilly weather, falling leaves, and fall crops.
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