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Imperial Towers
Condominium Association
Garden Rules

  1. Residents will be selected to have use of a 4 foot x 4 foot plot (“Plot”) in the Imperial Towers Community Garden (“Garden”) on a “first come, first served” basis.   Only residents of Imperial Towers may use a Plot.  Non-residents and visitors (even long-term visitors) may not enter the Garden or use a Plot. 

  2. Each Gardener must maintain and keep in good order the Gardener’s assigned Plot between March 1 and October 30, including watering, weeding, harvesting, and other garden-related maintenance. 

  3. Each Gardener must use his/her own tools, except for water hoses (which the Association will provide).  Tools may not be stored at the Plot or in the Garden.  

  4. Care must be taken so as not to tear or damage the water-proofing liner under the Garden.

  5. Gardeners should visit their Plot at least once a week. 

  6. No Plot may be allowed to become overgrown or unsightly.

  7. No Gardener may engage in unsafe or illegal behavior in the Garden.

  8. No later than October 30th, Gardener must remove and properly dispose of all plant material from annual plants and must cut back all perennial plants to the extent normally required for overwintering.

  9. Application of weed and bug killer (such as Round Up) is prohibited.  Use of wood chips and/or black plastic is prohibited.

  10. Tall plants such as corn or sunflowers must be placed so as to avoid shading a neighboring Plot.

  11. Gardener shall pick produce ONLY from Gardener’s own Plot.  Picking from another Plot, even one that appears neglected, is prohibited.   

  12. Plot edges must be kept free of weeds. 

  13. Use the refuse containers designated for the Garden Commission. 

  14. Plantings must not generate unpleasant odors.

  15. Pets are prohibited in the Garden area and the entire surrounding area at all times.

  16. Children (under the age of 16) must be accompanied by a responsible adult and supervised at all times while in the Garden. 

  17. Smoking in the Garden is prohibited. 

  18. Cannabis (marijuana) may not be planted or grown in a Plot.

Imperial Towers Condominium Association Garden Rules: News & Updates
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